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ӣƵapp SFX students bring movie magic to town center exhibition


ӣƵapp SFX students bring movie magic to town center exhibition

A new media exhibition has opened at Bolton Museum, showcasing magical creations from the world of TV and cinema.

The exhibition, titled Special Effects Model Making for Film and TV at the ӣƵapp, features a magical selection of work crafted by talented Third-year students from the Special Effects Model Making course.

Using the skills learned from their course and their raw talent, they were asked to create characters and props to help bring the Central Library’s new children’s area to life. 

Their creations include Paddington Bear, Aslan the Lion, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, a great white shark, and the Triwizard Cup.

Open to visitors in Bolton Museum’s Up Close Gallery until 12 May, the exhibition features a variety of other characters and models including a life-size replica of one of the amazing fighting skeletons from the 1960s fantasy adventure film Jason and the Argonauts.

The ӣƵapp’s Special Effects Model Making for Film and TV degree is a unique programme, developed and taught by industry professionals. It teaches a wide range of specialist skills needed to create both physical and digital effects for film and television.

From alien spaceships and automated robots to ancient statues, models, and props, these components are an essential part of making compelling and immersive films and TV.

During the Easter holidays (Sat, 30 March to Sun, 14 April) there will also be themed activities so children can find out more about the exhibition.



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